Restoration Realities: 4 Facts About Dental Implants

January 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Brandi @ 4:19 pm
Dentist explaining dental implants to patient

Although dental implants are considered by many dentists to be the gold standard of tooth restorations, there are quite a few misconceptions about them. Unfortunately, many patients who have lost one or more teeth believe the false information and hesitate to move forward with treatment as a result. If you’re looking for a replacement for your lost tooth, keep reading to learn 4 facts about dental implants that can help you make a well-informed decision!

Fact #1: Dental Implants Keep Your Jaw Strong

Did you know that when you lose a tooth, your body reclaims some of the bone mass from your jaw that’s no longer required to support it? Over time, it can become frail enough that you’re no longer able to support your remaining pearly whites. Dental implants are the only restoration option that includes a support rod (abutment) that’s surgically inserted into your jawbone to function like a root. That way, every time you bite down to chew, your mouth is stimulated and your jaw remains healthy.

Fact #2: Dental Implants Have a High Success Rate

If you’re worried about investing in dental implants just to have them fail, feel free to set your concerns aside. They are known to have an incredibly high success rate of over 90%. Plus, they can restore up to 70% of your chewing ability. Once they’ve bonded with your jaw through a process called osseointegration, you can count on them to last as long as you care for them properly.

Fact #3: Maintaining Dental Implants is Simple

Dental implants consist of a titanium pole that’s placed into your jaw that’s capped with a customized dental crown for a seamless smile. This cap is usually made of durable, tooth-colored materials like porcelain which isn’t as porous as your natural teeth. That means they’re resistant to staining and breaking and can’t get cavities. All you need to do to care for them is continue to thoroughly brush and floss your pearly whites twice daily.

Fact #4: Dental Implants Provide Health Benefits

Because dental implants bond with your jawbone they’re firmly planted, so you don’t have to worry as much about dietary restrictions because there’s very little risk of certain foods dislodging them or pulling them out of place like with other dentures or dental bridges. You’ll be able to maintain a well-balanced diet containing all the usual proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Plus, because you can chew normally, you’ll also prevent potential gastrointestinal issues that can come from not properly mashing your food when you eat.

Now that you know the truth behind dental implants, you can better decide whether they’re right for you!

About the Author

Dr. Rob Wood is a skilled periodontist who believes in delivering excellent care while helping patients feel at ease throughout their treatment. He completed his undergraduate education at the University of Utah and then went on to earn his dental degree from the Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry. After that, he completed his specialty training in periodontics at the University of Texas and now is board-certified. If you’re looking to replace lost teeth, he’s an expert who can help! You’re welcome to request a consultation on the website or by calling (801) 322-5032.