How Does Menopause Affect the Dental Implant Process?

June 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Brandi @ 9:53 pm
Woman smiling with dental implants

Menopause is a natural part of getting older. As you probably already know, there are plenty of hormonal changes to be expected. This affects numerous parts of your body, including your smile. If you’re missing teeth and thinking about getting dental implants, you may be wondering if it is a viable option for post-menopausal women. Continue reading to learn more about how menopause impacts oral health and the dental implant process.

How Does Menopause Affect Your Smile?

Menopause can influence your smile in several different ways. Here are some changes that many women experience:

  • Gum Disease: The hormonal changes that take place during menopause can increase the blood flow to the gums, making the tissue swollen and more susceptible to plaque buildup, ultimately causing gum disease. When left untreated, gum disease can result in gum recession, jawbone deterioration, and tooth loss.
  • Jawbone Loss: Estrogen levels decrease during and after menopause. Because this hormone plays an important role in bone health, post-menopausal women may be at higher risk of osteoporosis.
  • Dry Mouth: Dry mouth is another common side effect of menopause. When the mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva, food debris and harmful bacteria are left behind, therefore increasing your risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

Can Post-Menopausal Women Get Dental Implants?

Yes, though it’s important to note that there are all sorts of factors that play a role in the success of dental implants. Just because you are post-menopausal doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t make a good dental implant candidate. By taking all the right precautionary steps, the odds are in your favor.

During your dental implant consultation, you will discuss your dental and medical history to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. If you need any preliminary treatments, like gum disease therapy or a bone graft, these will be arranged beforehand to give your dental implants the best chance at success. After your implants have been placed, you can keep them healthy by maintaining an excellent oral hygiene routine and refraining from bad dental habits, like smoking and using your teeth as tools.

Menopause isn’t a reason that you can’t get dental implants. By scheduling a consultation and working with your dentist, you can create a custom treatment plan that’s right for you!

About the Author

Dr. Rob Wood is an experienced periodontist serving patients in the Salt Lake City community. He earned his dental doctorate from the Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry and completed his specialty training in periodontics at the University of Texas. Today, he is a board-certified periodontist and a proud member of the American Dental Association, Utah Dental Association, the American Academy of Periodontology, and SPEAR. For more information about dental implants or to schedule a consultation, visit his website or call (801) 322-5032.