Advanced Periodontal Services & Technology – Salt Lake City, UT

The Best Instruments for the Best Care

Woman with healthy smile after periodontal treatment

Dr. Wood is committed to only using the latest, proven instruments to guarantee the precision, comfort, and accuracy of their care. They utilize two forms of X-ray technology, which gives them the flexibility to capture the exact images they need when it comes to both diagnosing and treatment planning. Plus, they can show these images to a patient to help them better understand their situation and walk them through a proposed procedure so they know exactly what to expect.

CT Scan Imaging

Woman receiving C T scan imaging

Our traditional fan-beam CT scanner allows us to generate extremely sharp images of a patient’s dental anatomy in a matter of seconds. This approach shows our team much more detail compared to a regular film X-ray, and it also enables us to look at very specific regions of the mouth and jaw. The digital images are very easy to store and reference, helping us monitor long-term changes in a patient’s oral health so we can spot potential issues that otherwise might be missed.

Cone Beam Imaging

Woman receiving cone beam imaging

With cone beam imaging, several X-rays are taken in a matter of seconds, and then they are pieced together by an algorithm to create a highly detailed 3D model of the mouth and adjacent oral structures. We’re able to see all of the teeth, determine the thickness of the nearby bone, and even see the location of sensitive facial nerves. All of this information is essential to prepare for dental implant placement, and with this amount of data, we can guarantee a pleasant and successful procedure before it even starts.