What’s Causing Your Gummy Smile?

October 20, 2021

Digital image of laser dentistry procedureAre your pearly whites hidden by a lot of gum tissue? Up to 20% of adults between 20 to 30 years old have a gummy smile. Although it tends to affect women more than men, anyone can have too much tissue covering the surfaces of their teeth. Several factors contribute to a gummy smile in Salt Lake City. Here are 3 common causes and what can be done to reveal the big, beautiful smile you desire.

Causes of a Gummy Smile

A gummy smile is classified as a disproportionate gum line that’s larger than 3 to 4 millimeters. The extra tissue can affect the height and shape of your teeth. In severe cases, it can also alter the way your lips move when smiling, and even the angle of your jaw.

Several studies have identified specific factors that contribute to an abnormal gum line, which include:

  1. Genetics: A 2014 study published by the National Library of Medicine revealed a gummy smile can be a family trait.
  2. Lip Abnormalities: If the upper lip is naturally shorter on one side, or if they are hypermobile, more of the gum line is exposed when smiling.
  3. Medications: Gingival hyperplasia is caused by certain medications used to prevent seizures or high blood pressure.

Besides being unattractive, excess gum tissue can increase your risk of certain oral health problems, like tooth decay and periodontal disease. Don’t worry, you can protect your dental health and achieve the smile of your dreams with the help of a periodontist in Salt Lake City.

Treating a Gummy Smile

Your periodontist will identify the cause of the extra tissue to create a personalized strategy to enhance your smile, which can include:


A gingivectomy is a procedure used for gummy smile correction in Salt Lake City. There isn’t any need for a scalpel or sutures. A high-powered dental laser targets the gum tissue to remove it with precision. It will sculpt your gum line to reveal more of the surfaces of your teeth. The laser cauterizes and sterilizes the tissue to reduce your risk of bleeding and infection. You’ll enjoy a quick recovery with few risks for complications when treating a gummy smile in Salt Lake City with laser dentistry.

Lip Surgery

In rare cases, lip repositioning surgery is needed. A small piece of connective tissue is removed from the underside of the upper lip. This prevents the muscles from lifting the lip too high to reveal less of your gum line.

Invest in a Beautiful Smile

You don’t have to feel embarrassed by small teeth any longer. Your periodontist has the personalized solutions you need to love the smile you see in the mirror.

About Dr. Rob Wood

Dr. Wood earned his dental degree from Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry before continuing his training to become a board-certified periodontist. He uses the latest treatments and technologies to deliver exceptional modern services. If you’re ready to improve your smile, contact our office today to schedule a consultation.