When Is Crown Lengthening Treatment Necessary?

July 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Brandi @ 9:13 pm
A smile that’s received crown lengthening treatment.

Modern dentistry is amazing! Dentists today are capable of utilizing many different tools and methods to restore, repair, and enhance our smiles in all sorts of ways. That said, almost every problem has a solution; so, if you’re concerned about something like excess gum tissue, you better believe that treatment options exist. One such option is crown lengthening, also known as gum recontouring; keep reading to learn more about this procedure and how it’s used to address excess gum tissue that’s putting a damper on your smile.

What Is Crown Lengthening?

Crown lengthening is a dental procedure that’s performed to recontour and reshape gum tissue, and sometimes bone, to expose more of a tooth’s surface for a crown to be placed. It’s a very common procedure and it often takes less than an hour to complete. After the patient is sedated, a small amount of tissue is gently removed, with the end goal being to reveal enough surface area for the restoration to be placed. There’s very little aftercare involved and ultimately, the versatile procedure opens the door for patients to receive a beautifully enhanced smile!

When Is Crown Lengthening Necessary?

There are several instances that might require crown lengthening, including:

  • Your tooth appears abnormally short, which often indicates there’s an excessive amount of gum tissue covering it.
  • You’re suffering from tooth decay below the gumline that must be treated prior to receiving a dental restoration.
  • Your tooth has become chipped or fractured beneath the gumline, and the remaining visible portion of your tooth isn’t sufficient for supporting a crown or restoration.

When a tooth breaks, is affected by severe decay, or is afflicted by some other problem, the remaining healthy tooth area is reduced, and this greatly affects the potential for a successful restoration. A crown lengthening procedure can be used to reduce the bone level and gum tissue surrounding a tooth in order to gain better access to it. From there, the treatment options vary; however, since more of the tooth’s surface area is exposed, future restoration work such as placing crowns, veneers, and more becomes much simpler.

Crown lengthening might not be as glamorous or well-known as other dental treatments, but it has many applications and lays the groundwork for other treatment options to ultimately be successful. If your dentist has recommended crown lengthening, don’t fret—it’s just one step towards a healthier and more beautiful smile.

About the Author

Dr. Rob Wood has proudly served patients and families in Salt Lake City for several years. Dr. Wood received his dental doctorate from the Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry and is a member of several professional organizations including the American Dental Association and the Utah Dental Association. His practice is pleased to offer many available services including periodontal surgery options like crown lengthening. If you have any questions about the article or would like to schedule a visit, feel free to reach out online or over the phone: (801) 322-5032.