Make the Most of Dental Implants By Avoiding These 5 Habits

August 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Brandi @ 1:09 pm
patient happy to receive dental implants in Salt Lake City

Dental implants are the gold standard when it comes to tooth replacement options. Not only do they effectively restore your smile, but they can also preserve a healthy jawbone and facial shape. As long as you care for your brand-new teeth properly, you can expect them to last a lifetime. To help you make the most of your dental implants, here are five bad oral habits you’ll want to avoid in the long run!

Bad Habit #1: Smoking

Smoking or chewing tobacco can increase your risk of short- and long-term failure of your new teeth. This is especially the case during osseointegration and recovery, as tobacco can disrupt your healing process. To ensure your dental implants have healthy bone tissue to support them, it’s best to quit this habit before the procedure.

Bad Habit #2: Using Your Teeth as Tools

While it might seem convenient to use your teeth to open packages or bottles, this can be harmful to your smile and dental implants. Though your restorations will be designed to withstand the pressure from chewing, they can still be compromised like your natural teeth. One wrong bite or twist and you can easily damage your pearly whites. Make sure to keep tools handy, such as scissors and bottle openers, to protect your smile.

Bad Habit #3: Forgetting to Floss

Flossing is an essential part of preserving your oral health, even if you’re missing one or several teeth. One of the biggest reasons for dental implant failure is peri-implantitis—a form of gum disease that can weaken the supporting tissue holding the metal posts in place. To avoid this issue, you’ll want to thoroughly and carefully floss your smile each evening, or after every meal.

Bad Habit #4: Eating Sugary Treats Frequently

If you tend to have a sweet tooth, then you might regularly enjoy treats like candy, chocolate, pastries, and other snacks throughout the day. However, overindulging in sugar can put you at risk of more serious oral health issues, such as cavities and gum disease. Try eating in moderation and adding more nutrient-dense options to your diet, such as fruits and veggies.

Bad Habit #5: Avoiding Your Routine Checkups & Cleanings

Scheduling visits with your dentist every six months is important for maintaining strong and healthy pearly whites. They’ll monitor your oral health and the condition of your dental implants to ensure there are no signs of failure. They can also provide necessary treatments for any developing issues they may detect to prevent them from getting worse.

Making the most of your dental implants doesn’t have to be complicated. By avoiding the above habits and practicing solid oral hygiene, you can be sure to keep your new and improved teeth in pristine condition for many years to come!

About the Author

Dr. Rob Wood earned his dental doctorate from the Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry. He’s also a member of several organizations such as the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Periodontology. He provides a wide variety of advanced and comprehensive treatments, including dental implants and periodontal therapy. If you’d like to know more about caring for dental implants, visit his website or call him at 801-322-5032.