8 Things You Didn’t Know Your Dentist Was Doing at Every Checkup

November 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Brandi @ 10:12 pm
patient visiting dentist in Salt Lake City

Most people think they know what to expect when they show up for their bi-annual checkup. For instance, you might feel like all you have to do is answer a few questions, have your dentist take a look at your smile, clean them, and you’re done! However, there’s far more to this process than you think. Your dentist takes a lot of steps to ensure your oral and overall health is in good shape. Read on to learn which things you didn’t know your dentist was doing at every checkup!

Checking Each Tooth

At every routine checkup, your dentist will examine each and every one of your visible teeth using a small mirror and a dental probe. They’ll check for any concerning issues or look for changes in your mouth since your last appointment. Depending on the state of your enamel, they may identify problems like teeth grinding, nail-biting, or chewing objects.

Scraping Away Plaque and Tartar

Following the examination of your teeth, your dentist will use a scaler to scrape away any plaque and tartar buildup. Removing bacteria from your mouth will help significantly lower the risk of gum disease. In fact, it’ll even make your smile look brighter and cleaner!

Polishing Your Teeth

In addition to cleaning and flossing your teeth, your dentist will polish them to make them smooth. Polishing will also help prevent plaque accumulation. With this step, you’ll have a smile that looks and feels healthier!

Examining Your Gums

Your dentist will check your gums for signs of bleeding and swelling, which are both symptoms of gum disease. They’ll also measure the pockets between your teeth and gums, as large gum pockets can indicate unhealthy gum tissue.

Looking at Your Tongue

Believe it or not, your tongue can reveal a lot about your oral and overall health. For that reason, your dentist will carefully evaluate its texture and size of it to ensure there are no concerns.

Screen for Oral Cancer

You may be surprised to learn that your dentist checks for oral cancer at every routine checkup. They’ll take a look at your head, neck, lymph nodes, palate, cheeks, and tongue for visible signs of infection. With early intervention, you can address oral cancer before it’s too late.

Check Your Temporomandibular Joint

The temporomandibular joint is the joint that connects the jawbone and the jaw. Your dentist will examine it to make sure the joint and your bite are working together effectively.

Evaluate Your Bite

Your dentist will check your bite and its alignment to determine if any teeth have shifted recently. Depending on their movement, your dentist may suggest orthodontic treatment or another solution.

As you can see, your six-month checkups are far more important than you think. By staying on top of these appointments, you can keep your smile and body in its very best shape for life!

About the Author

Dr. Rob Wood has served patients in Salt Lake City for several years now. He is a proud member of several professional organizations, including the American Dental Association, the Utah Dental Association, and more. If your general dentist finds any issues during your routine checkup, Dr. Wood is prepared to restore your oral health. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call (801) 322-5032.