Boost Your Confidence With Dental Implants

May 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Brandi @ 4:41 pm

Smiling older woman in dentist’s officeTeeth are meant to last for a lifetime, but that doesn’t happen for many Americans. 120 million adults have lost at least one tooth. If you’re missing a tooth or two, or even an entire arch, your confidence was lost along with them. If you’re embarrassed by gaps in your smile, dental implants can boost your self-esteem. Here are just a few ways they can restore your confidence and change your outlook on life.

Natural-Looking Results

A dental implant is unlike any other solution because it replaces both the root and the crown, creating a nearly perfect replica of your real tooth. An implant post is surgically placed into your jawbone to serve as a new root. It will be hidden below your gums to provide support for your custom-made restoration, which is attached using an abutment. 

Your restoration is made to match the color, size, and shape of your natural teeth to blend in with your smile. Only a trained dental professional will know it isn’t a real tooth.

Never Worry About Slipping 

You don’t have to worry about a partial or denture falling out when laughing, speaking, or eating. Dental implants are anchored in your jawbone to benefit from unmatched support and stability. 

Your teeth will stay firmly in place, so you’ll never have to worry about slipping or irritation. You’ll regain up to 70% of your biting force to enjoy the best thing besides your real teeth.

Take 10 Years Off Your Appearance

Researchers have found that replacing missing teeth can take 10 years off a person’s appearance. You can lose up to 25% of your jaw’s density within the first year of missing a tooth because it isn’t being stimulated by the root. Your jaw will continue to shrink over time, which can change the shape of your face and cause premature wrinkles or sagging skin. 

With a dental implant stimulating your jawbone, it will stay strong and healthy for a youthful appearance. Filling the gaps in your smile will instantly turn back the clock.

Long-Lasting Results for Peace of Mind

Dental implants have over a 95% success rate and are proven to last for decades with the correct aftercare, like brushing and flossing. Your dazzling new smile can last for a lifetime, so you’ll never think about your missing teeth again.

Better Oral Health

Dental implants stop many issues caused by tooth loss, like cavities, gum disease, and additional missing teeth. You will have better oral health, which will improve your overall well-being. You will look and feel your best knowing your mouth and body are healthy.

Dental implants are a smart investment for your oral health and quality of life. You can’t put a price on the benefits you’ll gain by choosing the most reliable method of treating tooth loss.

About Dr. Rob Wood

Dr. Wood achieved his dental degree from the Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry and underwent training in periodontics at the University of Texas. He is a board-certified periodontist and a member of many professional organizations, including the American Dental Association. He can treat the most complex cases of tooth loss. Request an appointment through our website or call (801) 609-3343.