Oral Cancer Facts: 3 Things You Didn’t Know, But Should

November 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Brandi @ 7:00 pm
Facial close up of a woman in a dental chair having an examination

Most people don’t spend a lot of time considering the possibility of developing oral cancer because it’s often considered a rare but serious condition. It’s not unusual for the diagnosis to come in the later stages, as the earliest symptoms can be hard to spot. Fortunately, your dentist can help! They have the expertise and instruments necessary to determine whether oral cancer is present. Keep reading to learn 3 more facts about oral cancer to help you better understand and prevent this risky condition.

Fact #1: There’s More Than One Type

There’s a common misperception that oral cancer refers to a singular issue, but the truth is that there are two types that can potentially occur. They are:

  1. Oral cavity cancer. This occurs in the front part of the mouth and is found on the tongue, floor of the mouth, inside of the cheeks, and lips. It’s often caused by unhealthy habits like smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco and is also associated with frequent alcohol consumption. It’s an aggressive disease and can be difficult to treat.
  2. Oropharyngeal cancer. This version impacts the back of the mouth which includes the back of your tongue, tonsils, larynx, and upper throat. This can also be caused by tobacco and alcohol use, but HPV is recognized as the most common underlying cause. This type is generally more responsive to treatments.

Fact #2: It’s a Very Serious Condition

Did you know that oral cancer is the 6th leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States? That means that while it may be unlikely that you’ll get it, the risk is high if you do. According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, just over half of the people diagnosed will live longer than 5 years. The prognosis is better for those with oropharyngeal cancer, but still, catching it early can make all the difference.

Fact #3: You Should Be Checked Regularly

This disease is particularly dangerous because the earliest warning signs are easy to miss, so you must visit your dentist for consistent check-ups every 6 months.

Some of the first indicators that might indicate a problem include:

  • A flat red or white patch somewhere in your mouth that may or may not cause any irritation.
  • A sore on your lip or mouth.
  • A growth or lump inside your mouth or on your neck.
  • Discomfort when swallowing.
  • Sounding hoarse.

Though you may not be aware that your dentist looks for these signs, it’s usually included with a standard checkup.

If you notice anything worrisome, feel free to call your dentist. Even if it turns out to be nothing, it’s better to err on the side of caution so that you can remain cancer-free!

About the Practice

At Utah Implants & Periodontics, patients benefit from two experts trained at handling complex surgical treatments and procedures to improve their oral health. Whether your condition requires periodontal therapy to repair your gums or calls for a replacement like a dental implant, they can help! They include noninvasive and painless oral cancer screenings among their services so that you have peace of mind that your mouth is in good health. You’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (801) 322-5032.