5 Dental Implant Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

March 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Brandi @ 1:54 am

Fact and myth on blue backgroundDid you know that over 500,000 Americans every year are choosing to replace their lost teeth with dental implants? You’ve probably heard about their benefits, but there are also many rumors about the procedure. Don’t let false information stand in the way of replacing your missing teeth with the next best thing to what nature gave you. Here are 5 myths about dental implants you should not believe.

1. Dental Implants are Expensive

Dental implants are attributed to a large price tag, but they can be relatively inexpensive. They are the most affordable solution overall because they can last for decades. You won’t have to budget for replacements every few years, like with other treatments. You’ll save money down the road with a cost-effective method of treating tooth loss. 

Your dental insurance may cover some of the expenses. In addition, you don’t need to come up with the entire amount at once. You can pay for each step of your treatment as you go. Many dentists also accept various payment methods, including monthly installments through a third-party financing company, like CareCredit.

2. It Hurts to Get Dental Implants

You will require oral surgery to place titanium posts in your jawbone to serve as new roots, but don’t worry about a painful day in the dentist’s chair. Your dentist will use sedation or anesthesia to keep you comfortable. 

After the effects of any medications wear off, your mouth may be sore for a few days. You can manage it with a prescribed or over-the-counter pain reliever. Your dentist will review any additional aftercare instructions before you go home.

3. Dental Implants Often Fail

Dental implants are the most reliable method of treating lost teeth. They have over a 95% success rate. Good oral hygiene and regular dental care can ensure your new smile lasts for a lifetime with no complications.

4. I’m Too Old for Dental Implants

There’s no age limit for dental implants. However, with age comes certain medical conditions and medications that can affect your bone density or immune system. You may still be a candidate for dental implants, even if you have pre-existing conditions or take medications. Your dentist will create the personalized plan you need to restore a complete smile safely.

5. Dental Implants Don’t Last Long

Dental implants are proven to last for 30 years or more with the correct care. You can ensure your investment thrives by brushing and flossing. Limit hard or crunchy foods to prevent wear and tear. Break any bad habits that might damage your dental implants, like crunching ice or chewing on your fingernails. Schedule a cleaning and checkup every 6 months with your dentist. They’ll keep your mouth healthy to ensure your new smile lasts.

About Dr. Rob Wood

Dr. Wood earned his dental degree from the Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry and achieved his certification in periodontics from the University of Texas. He regularly continues his training to provide the latest solutions in dentistry. Dr. Wood is affiliated with many professional organizations, including the American Dental Association. Request an appointment through his website or call his office at (801) 609-3343.